Monday, January 11, 2010

our union! week 1

one night rae came over to lizzie's house. they were new friends and still learning a lot about each other. one thing that came up was that they had both been vegan and were transitioning to eating dairy and eggs. so tonight, they were fixing to make quiche. lizzie shared her magic dream about quiche and they set to work making an indian food themed quiche with what they had.

crust: crushed up spicy flavored chips
bottom layer: spicy mashed potatoes - potatoes boiled and mixed in with some yogurt (we were being super un-vegan) and cumin and chili powder.
filling: stir-fried veggies (broccoli and maybe zucchini (rae doesn't like it but maybe they didn't say anything) in coconut milk! it was way tooooo spicy because lizzie added what she thought was cumin but it was actually red pepper! so much red pepper. they coughed for like 15 minutes! lizzie was a little embarrassed. then they added the 5 eggs to the veggies and stirred it all up.
topping: mozzarella.

it wasn't too spicy in the end and it turned out really well for rae's first quiche and no recipe!

an ever-lasting bond was formed.
that was also the night they first talked about rae moving in to lizzie's house.

<3 rae and lizzie

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