We're back with an exciting addition to the Dreamy Quichey blog. Mary has an amazing CSA (community shared agriculture) from Blue Ribbon Farm run by our friends Maggie and Pete.
Mary was in the mood for a pot pie, that's how we decided on this week's ingredients.
Crust: mashed potato!! with garlic and onion added in! BONUS LAYER: sesame seeds Filling: steamed carrots, red peppers, leeks, green beans, arugula, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup soy milk, and garlic pesto aioli. Cheese: parmesan and queso fresco Bonus Layer: sesame seeds.
quote of the quiche: Mary: "it smells so good. and it's so warm." (as they lean in close...pictured above) Kate: "you all make the most attractive quiches i've ever seen or experienced."
it was soooo good. the aioli was really good. like...really good. so was the big chucks of queso fresco.
our great friends jackie and kate shaps joined me and mary this week.
New Post! Me and Mary came home from an awesome punk show and whipped up this deliciousness. For nostalgia's sake and because we love her, we called quiche expert lizzie via speakerphone to join us.
Here's pretty much how the conversation went:
Rae: We got port salute cheese from Greenlife (local store in asheville) and it looks like soft muenster cheese. Lizzie: Does it have red spots on it? Rae: Yea! The Quiche also has yellow onion and I like the onion when don't cook it before hand. You just throw it in and it tastes sweet. I put a little dried basil in the crust. Lizzie: Oh I like that. Rae: And we put some arugula on the top and I am afraid it's gonna burn on there! I am trusting Mary's judgment that it won't. But, frankly I'm worrying. Lizzie: Yeah, I'm gonna side with Rae, Mary you'll just have to learn by experience Mary: Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I am gonna slander you on the blog for saying that. Rae: Oh the cheese melted! Can you tell me about the quiche you made recently? Lizzie: mash potato crush, seasoned black beans, and then I stirred fried some green beans. They're kinda like asparagus, ya know green stalks. But there was no asparagus at the store, I tried really hard. I layed the egg down, cut up cherry tomatoes on top, some local raw chedder. I didn't really like the taste so much, it has a funny taste to it. Gossiping then ensued.
Tips about this late night quiche... We used 4 eggs and a little bit of water. This is just because we had no almond milk. But that shouldn't stop you from adding the standard 3/4 cup almond milk and three eggs. It was still awesome, just less fluffy. Our CRUST was the standard quiche crust but had buckwheat and millet. Our CHEESE was port salut. so so good! Filling was local shitakes, leeks, yellow onion, garlic, arugula. Really good with hot sauce. mmmmmm.
1.it's nba finals week. 2.mary is a super star basketball player. 3.and things are cute when they are in circles. 4. things that are orange and black are yummy.
this weeks quiche! crust: the famous good ole pastry crust (see other posts) bottom layer: red lentils and quinoa filling: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk top layer: roasted eggplant (first we cut the eggplant up and salted them. when they look like they are "sweating" you rinse off the salt. it makes for more tender eggplant.) cheese: mozzarella exciting cute layer: carrots and kalamata olives laid on quiche like a basketball.
We had a great time and we ate it on the basketball court. It had a great Mediterranean flavor!
This is the Quiche Luck of the Century folks. All of our favorites were here. Boy o boy do our friends make good quiche. Here we are folks!
kensey: "i can't believe it's not quiche... fruit salad" erika and dave and rowen: spelt crust, eggs spinach, monterary cheese, buttermilk and hemp milk mixed, fluffy eggs! "i beat the hell out of it" rae: "quiche you later lizzie" "i'm too full to be on the ball" this one has our always exciting pastry crust, freshly sliced tomato, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil and oregano, goat cheese, three eggs. danny's first: "quiche me if you can" or "i never quiche and tell" perfect crust (recipe), olives, kale, green onions, red bell pepper, tumeric, garlic, egg and buttermilk and simmered family tradition: must coat the crust with egg yolk. "does it normally take you three hours to make a quiche?" "complex yet subtle...layers of flavor...one after another..." - erin note: on the toothpick it says "You are the dreamiest quiche". catfish and erin: "the grunion mullet" millet and olive oil crust, shitake, carrots, onions, garlic, salt and pepper, green onions, eggs, sun dried tomato quiche lizzie: dolmas are great in quiche, quiche the gf, flakey crust (see recipe from previous posts), black bean hummus from Roots cafe, dolams laid out in a triangular formation, black kalamata olives, roasted tomatoes, egg mixture (3 eggs, .5 cups almond milk) and topped with feta cheese! erin went back for seconds for only one quiche...and it was that one! mary and ingrid: it's liquid quiche - grapes smashed quiche in a wine bottle, pinot gruzeeare naomi and alexei: "deep dish takes an hour and a half in the oven" or "deep dish quiche" or "green eggs and garlic" buckwheat and rice flour crust, sochan, lambs quarters, spinach, sour cream in crust and in eggs, onion, garlic, colby "i use garlic like it's a vegetable"-naomi
not pictured!!joanne: "line pan with four cups of chopped fresh spinach, sautee small onion with two tablespoons of oil and generous garlic and lay on spinach, wisk 12 eggs with 3 cups of unsweetened almond milk, dill, salt, pepper, and a cup of quinoa, bake for and an hour, covered...quinoa was supposed to settle to the bottom but it didn't! so maybe spread out on the bottom.
good quiche was had by all.
note: you can't tell your pants are unbuttoned if you're wearing an apron
we played the old childhood favorite game telephone: started: "jen trapped alexei in the pantry and squeezed his butt checks" changed to... "why are you calling me on the telephone" to... "quiche get it now get up act up" it's unclear...mary forgets. "quiche now get up get up"
quiche chants: whose quiche? our quiche!
And that's all folks! Lizzie has officially moved. The dreamy quiche will live on...in our dreams.
There is this place in Pittsburgh (Adrian's Pizza) that has amazing Pierogi Pizza. In honor of Lizzie's big move to Pittsburgh in a few weeks we made this quiche.
Crust: Gluten Free Pizza Crust Bonus Layer: Mashed Potatoes, Sauteed Onions, Sundried Tomatoes (re-hydrated) Filling: three eggs (local, organic- as always), 1/2 cup almond milk, some salt Pittsburgh Pierogi Pizza Quiche Cheese: White Cheddar, Provolone grated
Bake in Oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. *note: bake crust for a few minutes before adding ingredients on top.
This quiche was so good! The only critique we had is that the crust is kinda hard to cut. This may depend on the kind you get.
our friend shannon came to visit us this week! we were so excited we decided to make a philadelphia food inspired quiche. none of us have actually had tomato pie. but boy oh boy were we excited to try it out.
In spirit of the theme we chose pretzels, tomato pie, and cheddar cheese (instead of cheese sauce) because of their Philly roots.
Crust: Glutino Gluten Free sesame pretzel rings Bottom Layer: Sliced Tomato (organic and local slicer tomatoes!) Middle Layer: 3 Eggs (organic and local!), 1/2 cup almond milk, 1 T dried basil, 1 T dried oregano Bottom Layer: Another Sliced Tomato Layer Cheese: Cheddar and a little Pecorino Romano
soooo good!
quote of the quiche: "it's like pizza but better." -Mary
so this is a special edition/mary's quiche/quiche me through the phone/mary's favorite song ever.
crust: cooked brown rice! filling: steamed brocoli and peppers and boiled beets and sauteed onions with pepper, cumin, curry powder, coriander, and salt. and 5 eggs and 1 cup milk (this is not what we usually do but there was so much vegetables that it seemed like we needed more!) topping: sharp cheddar!
quote of the quiche: "quiche is a like a plan...with everything coming together" - jp "the beets run like blood! and the vegetables are perfect...people really mess that up" - jp "we steamed them before hand...!" - lizzie "beets are really good for you in chinese medicine" - mary "i think they're good for you in every medicine" - lizzie "no don't write that!!! it's cheesy!" - mary "cheesy like quiche!!" - lizzie "i never knew what a rice crust tasted like until today. quote me! quote me!" - mary
We made Eggplant Parmesan! And then We made Eggplant Parmesan Quiche!
When thinking of crusts Rae consulted our good friend, Jackie. Here is our conversation:
Rae: "Hey Jackie! I have an important quiche question to ask you. What kind of crust should I make tonight?"
Jackie: "What's wrong with the "always crust"?
Rae: "You mean the pastry crust! Ha! Well, we make that one a lot. We like to be creative. What about using left over breadcrumbs?"
Jackie: "I like the "always crust". It's sooooo good. "
Rae: "Ok, you got it kiddo. You do know I am going to blog about this conversation later."
Crust: The pastry crust (called "the always crust" by Jackie. See previous entries for recipe. ). This time I added in basil and oregano to the flour. Bottom Layer: Breaded and fried eggplant Extra bonus layer: Tomato Sauce (crushed tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, salt) Filling: three local, organic eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk, and rosemary Cheese: Mozzarella Bonus Top Layer: Gluten Free Breadcrumbs (in the shape of a heart.)
This quiche was a big hit! Our wonderful friends Danny, Jackie, and Mary (not pictured :() joined us!
Also, we randomly started singing "All for you" by Janet Jackson. So, naturally, Rae recorded their version of it. Ya know, for kicks and because they love their friends.
this week we asked ourselves.... "what are beach foods? what would a beach quiche be like?"
our dear friend jackie answered like a true miami native. rae answered with the simple reply "salty things." lizzie cooked and our friend mary joined us for dinner.
and here is the result.
crust: millet and flax crackers bottom layer: coconut rice and beans middle layer: eggs and 1/2 cup coconut milk top layer: fried plantains cheese: aged cheddar (lizzie's favorite)
i think we just got this idea from things we had in the house...and it turned out fabulously! it should be noted that a can of corn did have to get picked up from the montford convenience store though...
crust: mashed potatoes! filling: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk, can of sweet corn, some fresh peas, some chopped and sauteed carrots with onions and garlic and basil topping: orange cheddar!
hearty - yet not so filling that we didn't finish it off.
Crust: Gluten Free Rye Bread Bonus Layer: Grilled Tempeh and Onion Filling: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk Bonus top layer: polish saurkraut pickles (more info tba) Top: Colby Cheese (grated)
Dear Quiche Lovers, Today we learned an important lesson. When adding things like bread and tempeh-remember that these foods soak up liquid. We definitly should have used more eggs and milk in this recipe. It still turned out delicious (because it was quiche) but it it was a little dry and needed some more filling. Hugs and Quiches, Rae and Lizzie
Well folks, this week's quiche was delightful. We had been talking about doing a Mediteranean Quiche for quite some time now and boy are we glad we gave it a try. We had some feta left over from last week's quiche-so it was great timing. As a friend bonus, Mary, Danny and Kensey all came over for this week's Quiche Monday.
Filling: 3 eggs (free range/organic/local/yadda yadda), 1/2 cup almond milk, chopped and pitted kalamata olives, roasted and marinated tomatoes (also featured in our true blood quiche), diced green bell pepper and spinach - both sauteed with some onion and garlic.
Top: Feta Cheese (organic)
we showed this picture to depict how tiny and cute!!
Quote of the Quiche: "This might be the best quiche i've ever had." -Kensey
and because of that quote....this weeks theme was born. we listened to the version by drake while we were eating this one....but here is Rae's version (it's an old cover of this hip hop song with a bunch of cursing in it):
Our inspiration for this quiche was the warmer weather hopefully coming our way. Lizzie had a great idea of a quiche inspired by spring rolls. Today, we had limited time to prepare, and a gusto for eating quiche right away (when do we not though, really.) We also opted for less "heavy" foods and didn't pre-cook the veggies.
Crust: Rice! Pressed firmly into the bottom of the quiche dish. Filling: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk, pre-cut stir-fry vegetables (i told you we were in a hurry. This consisted of mushrooms, water chestnuts, bean sprouts and rae's all time favoite vegetable-baby corn.), freshly cut ginger, 2 cloves of fresh garlic cloves. Top Layer: Farm Fresh Feta
This is certainly one of our weirder quiches. It kinda tasted like an awesome fried rice. But, I think the quote of the quiche sums it all up.
Quote of the Quiche: "I think what we learned from this quiche is, that really, with quiche you can do no wrong."-Rae
This was the second time that someone had suggested ethiopian food quiche! We were a lil' stumped at first, but this is an exciting challenge to say the least. We also invited our new friend Krystan to join us (who had the idea for this weeks quiche). She brought over a great assortment of vegetables and we made it work!
Crust: Our flakey crust recipe with Teff and Corn Flour(but instead of millet and brown rice flour) Bottom Layer:Lentil Layer. Red lentils with cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, tumeric, braggs, onion, garlic, red bell pepper. Filling: Sauteed veggies (mushrooms, broccoli, red bell pepper ...) with paprika, tumeric, ginger, and cardomom. eggs (from our new friends in boone! thanks ya'll!) Cheese: New York Style Cheddar
It turned out so great! It was a flavor packed quiche for sure. The lentils added a good consistency that balanced out the denseness of the crust. The crust had a "whole wheat bread" taste and texture that really suited the rest of the dish. And it really held it's form when cut into pieces.
breakfast burrito. what could go wrong? nothing says these happy campers:
crust: crushed tortilla chips (note: we've tried using corn tortillas as a crust and it didn't turn out well...) bottom layer: refried beans glopped on the best you can second bottom layer: your fav salsa filling: sauteed red onions, chopped red pepper, three eggs, 1/4 cup almond milk and 1/4 cup half and half (per Kensey's suggestion) topping: sharp cheddar cheese post oven wrapping: corn torilla...like this:
Get ready for a wonderful wonderful spectacular quiche. Inspired by Rae's sister's baked brie recipe with puff pastry wrapped around brie, cherries and honey.
Crust: Our favorite gluten free crust recipe (posted last week and many other weeks prior) Bottom Layer: Goat Brie Bottom Bottom Layer: Cherry Compote. To make this delectable delight we added frozen organic sweet cherries, organic raw cane sugar and a dash of water to a saucepan. When starting to boil, crush the cherries with a fork. Then add a approximately 1 Tablespoon of Arrowroot starch to the mixture. Filling: 3 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk,1/2 of a large yellow onion - caramelized. Mix it up! Bonus Layer: Chopped Raw Walnut Top Layer: More Goat Brie! post-oven: drizzle honey on top!
Note: In total we used a goat brie wheel that was 6.5 oz. A little smaller then the average. It was triple cream. I'm pretty sure that after this quiche we recommend the goat brie. So Yummy.
Also: We listened to Rae's Dance Troupe Mix. Nothing says classy like Beyonce. The dance move at 1:19 is Rae's favorite.
We are two fabulous folks who love quiche! Every monday we make a new gluten-free, vegetarian quiche. We will update videos, pictures, recipes, inspirational ideas and more!