Monday, February 8, 2010

true blood vampyre quiche/ week 25 - february 2010

this week's quiche pays homage to our love for vampyres. and the show true blood. um, yeah...highly recommended.

crust: millet and flax crackers (plain)
bottom layer: beets -sliced thinly and boiled until soft (you can't beat the beets.)
extra extra bottom layer: roasted and marinated tomatoes
filling: three eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk, artichoke hearts, tomato paste, garlic
top layer: goat cheese

get ready for a bloooooddddd curddddlinnnggg meeaaallll.

True Blood news and True Blood Merchandise

True Blood news and True Blood Merchandise


  1. Sounds devein!
    Aaaaiiiiiieeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! (blood curdling scream.)

  2. ha!
    clever response. we appreciate that :)

  3. This sounds...absolutely delightful. All of them sound delightful. I might have to convince my mom to follow along with me on this blog and have our own quiche days of the week!
