This was the second time that someone had suggested ethiopian food quiche! We were a lil' stumped at first, but this is an exciting challenge to say the least. We also invited our new friend Krystan to join us (who had the idea for this weeks quiche). She brought over a great assortment of vegetables and we made it work!
Crust: Our flakey crust recipe with Teff and Corn Flour(but instead of millet and brown rice flour)
Bottom Layer:Lentil Layer. Red lentils with cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, tumeric, braggs, onion, garlic, red bell pepper.
Filling: Sauteed veggies (mushrooms, broccoli, red bell pepper ...) with paprika, tumeric, ginger, and cardomom. eggs (from our new friends in boone! thanks ya'll!)
Cheese: New York Style Cheddar

It turned out so great! It was a flavor packed quiche for sure. The lentils added a good consistency that balanced out the denseness of the crust. The crust had a "whole wheat bread" taste and texture that really suited the rest of the dish. And it really held it's form when cut into pieces.