New Post! Me and Mary came home from an awesome punk show and whipped up this deliciousness. For nostalgia's sake and because we love her, we called quiche expert lizzie via speakerphone to join us.
Here's pretty much how the conversation went:
Rae: We got port salute cheese from Greenlife (local store in asheville) and it looks like soft muenster cheese.
Lizzie: Does it have red spots on it?
Rae: Yea! The Quiche also has yellow onion and I like the onion when don't cook it before hand. You just throw it in and it tastes sweet. I put a little dried basil in the crust.
Lizzie: Oh I like that.
Rae: And we put some arugula on the top and I am afraid it's gonna burn on there! I am trusting Mary's judgment that it won't. But, frankly I'm worrying.
Lizzie: Yeah, I'm gonna side with Rae, Mary you'll just have to learn by experience
Mary: Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I am gonna slander you on the blog for saying that.
Rae: Oh the cheese melted! Can you tell me about the quiche you made recently?
Lizzie: mash potato crush, seasoned black beans, and then I stirred fried some green beans. They're kinda like asparagus, ya know green stalks. But there was no asparagus at the store, I tried really hard. I layed the egg down, cut up cherry tomatoes on top, some local raw chedder. I didn't really like the taste so much, it has a funny taste to it.
Gossiping then ensued.
Tips about this late night quiche...
We used 4 eggs and a little bit of water. This is just because we had no almond milk. But that shouldn't stop you from adding the standard 3/4 cup almond milk and three eggs. It was still awesome, just less fluffy.
Our CRUST was the standard quiche crust but had buckwheat and millet.
Our CHEESE was port salut. so so good!
Filling was local shitakes, leeks, yellow onion, garlic, arugula.
Really good with hot sauce. mmmmmm.